Star wars rakata prime
Star wars rakata prime

He wasn’t an interesting character when you brought him back for a flashpoint and a half, and that hasn’t changed now because you’ve made him super-ultra-awesomely-connected to a galaxy spanning conspiracy that you made up because you needed a new cross-faction threat. They basically ruined his character in the Foundry stuff, and taking him this way, into a greater threat re-embracing the Rakata tech that he KNOWS made him go psycho-evil before… It didn’t work with the Star Cabal, it doesn’t work here.Īnd… I’m tired of Revan.

star wars rakata prime

I know, it’s Star Wars, and some suspension of disbelief is needed, but this just strains credulity way too much in order to make the villains seem stronger. The notion that a conspiracy on this level can hide from the entire galaxy almost perfectly, and yet have the pull to frame the son of the grandmaster of the Jedi Order as a criminal and no one can do anything about it… So, so, so tired of the super-secret-ultra-connected-conspiracy plot.

  • Aquatic Sleen mount (pics provided by Durzo).
  • Both seems to be tradeable so expect to see it on the GTN. Got the following from the last boss encounter. Colonel Darok will grapple random players to him but doesn’t do much otherwise. Darth Arkous has some kind of burst attack that can deal a lot of damage so might be good to kill him first.
  • Another tank and spank fight like the first boss encounter.
  • Adds/Tactical Repositioning occurs at 100/60/20%.
  • star wars rakata prime

    Kill adds when Commander Rand is in the air casting Tactical Repositioning (he is immune anyways).Rancor has a telegraphed swipe that can knock you back and the War Chief drops some fire fields that does very little damage. Tank and spank, can kill any of them first.

    star wars rakata prime

    Normally I would write a full guide but these Rakata Prime bosses are simple tank and spank fights so I these short sentences will suffice. If you somehow missed Part I and Part II, *gasp*, here are the videos

    Star wars rakata prime