The map isn't playable at all but you could take a look at it, and if you're a modder who wants to finish the map you have all the permissions in the world to do so. The new Star Wars Galaxy map is included as well - it's a huge map with just two settlements. Cause in RTW sound and music is based on cultures and not divided between the factions.

It needed to be in a different culture for it's unique sound to work. The mod has most of the new Galactic Empire roster finished - but there are still maybe three units missing and the old units are still not removed, the Rebel Alliance has four units - plus a Wookie mercenary-unit in the "Egypt"-roster. Fredom Force is from 2005 (the expansion) and RTW is a game from 2004 - so the models were old enough. I had the models from the easily mod-able game Freedom Force - and when he tried getting them into the Rome: Total War engine they worked well. So I gave Dagovax Sirrianus the idea to re-make the old Star Wars: Total War mod. you want to feel like your playing a differnt game with the rome total war engine download this mod, want a experience just vaguely dissimilar to vanillia RTW go elsewhere. to win a battle you need to think from when you start about how you deploy your units to where and when to try to rout the enemy from.

each faction has a unique play style instead of greeks have phalenxes and romans have legions. it departs from the mainstay of RTW vannila's melee battles in a mesh of units that dont move to ranged units that have to constantly jostle and reposition to effciently attack the enemy. Star Wars Total war is the most Creative use in a mod I have known for the rome total war engine. They were building upon older project by Star Wars: Total War Dev Team. Other archiving programs will give you an error.Star Wars: Total War - Galactic Empire/Rebel Alliance is a mod for Rome: Total War – Alexander cereated by Mr_Nygren and Dagovax. To extract the files you need to use 7-Zip. Wanna find out updates on the mod try our Mod DB page, I update it regualry:

We got blasters to flamethrowers in this mod and a whole heap of fun. try winning as the republic in the battle of geonosis or just comeing up with any star wars battle you feel like. There are around 22 different star wars units in the games and each star wars faction plays in a unique style. The original rome total war units have not been removed yet from the mod also. The Next release will contain the operation durges lance from the clone wars and other bugfixes. Try it Today, The current Version only has Five factions, custom battles and historical battles that contain star wars units but there will be more comeing soon. ***UPDATE File has been reuploaded due to issues with this download***

In this New mod, the current release is V0.05B. Star Wars Total War is a mod for rome total war v1.5 that is set in the Star Wars Universe.